Thursday, March 23, 2006

overheard in davis, california

So my mom is in town for about a week; she's staying with me at my apartment. The couple of times I talked to her on the phone prior to her visit she would always ask me if I was making preparations for her arrival--in particular whether I was cleaning up the apartment. She's the kind of person who does the dishes and cleans the kitchen immediately after a meal, and I am the sort of person who cleans up the kitchen when there's no clean dishes left or someone shames me into it by coming over--whichever happens first.

The night before I picked up my mom from the airport, my kid sister Balubb gave me a call. At some point in our conversation, the following exchange went down:

Mom [overheard in the background, yelling]: Did you clean up your apartment yet?

Balubb: Mom wants to know if you cleaned up your apartment yet.

NNN: Uh. I, ah...haven't started yet?

B [to mom in background, yelling back]: She says she hasn't started yet!

Mom [in background]: Gawd, NNN!

NNN [protesting]: Well, I did clean the bathtub. I cleaned it this morning at the same time that I was taking a shower.

B: Man!

NNN: What? I was trying to, you know, maximize my efforts.

B: So lazy.

NNN: Yeah? Well, later tonight I'm going to clean the toilet at the same time that I take a shit.

It seems to have become the goal of this blog to incorporate the phrase "take a shit" into every post.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

johnny cash + cats + poo = good times

For some reason Johnny Cash's "I Walk the Line" has been in my head tonight. I was singing it earlier, and then M started riffing on it, making up cat-inspired lyrics. The first one he sang started

there's a big fat cat in front of me
it took a shit and now it's gonna pee
it's smearing feces all in front of me...

but then neither of us knew how to finish it.

Then, a little later, he started a new verse:

there's a cat who's mewing for its food
I'd feed it except I'm not in the mood

Then a line neither of us remembers--so I guess it wasn't that good. Then another line from M:

because of it

Long pause while both of us searched for the right line to cap it off. It came to me suddenly:

I took a shit!

Being the three-year-olds we are, we then exploded with laughter.